It won’t matter how much determination you have. Or how hard you work. Or how long you go to school. The more educated you are, the higher your debt to the government. Unless you have rich parents or win the lottery or marry a sugar daddy or sugar momma.
If you happened to get caught smoking, growing or selling weed before you started your education, you can forget it. You might as well keep smoking and selling it. A felony limits your career opportunities to under the table, completely illegal or dishwasher. A felony drug charge eliminates the possibility of a student loan. Yet felons who committed violent crimes qualify for student loans as long as it wasn’t drug related. How the fuck does this make sense? An armed robber can get a student loan, but not a weed dealer. My theory—drugs have a way of opening up new ways of thinking. Drugs = liberal, peace-loving, possibly anti-government hippy thinker. Can you imagine a higher education for someone who thinks that way? They might change the whole world.
Obama started this program that will allow people to volunteer to reduce or eliminate their school loans. That doesn’t seem so bad. However, there are rumors that these volunteers will be used to create a civil servant army separate from the U.S. Army. One that would be used to keep the peace in times of upheaval. Like if we decided we wanted to rise up against an unjust government, this civil army would throw us into detainment camps. This is one of the conspiracy theories.
I was delighted when he created that program for loan restructuring. Yay, something that might actually help me. My friend Q, single-parent, makes jack shit in a factory has been having trouble making her house payment. They wouldn’t help her because she has been late. Well no shit! That’s why she is asking for help. I also applied for restructuring, because I have lost hours and soon I will have to pay back student loans. They said I didn’t qualify because I paid on-time. They didn’t see the problem.
Those tax refund bonuses that were handed out a couple of times. People who really needed them, didn’t get them. I know several people who had their refund bonuses garnished for debts that were greater than 7 years old.
The new programs that are out there to help people--exist only in name not in reality. They are there to make us think that someone gives a shit— to appease us.
Look at the new Cash for Clunkers program. On the surface, it appears the government is doing us a favor. $4500 for any intact car when we buy a new one. I don’t know anyone right now who has money to buy a new car even with $4500 off. I bought my little Kia in 2005 for $15,000. So that would still be $10,500. That’s $300 per month for almost 3 years. A used car is still cheaper. But the dealerships aren’t allowed to resell these clunkers--not even their parts. Instead the government requires that dealerships pour sodium silicate into the engine. This turns to glass. Afterward, they can be flattened into metal pancakes. This means less parts for used cars. This will make used cars more expensive to repair and also to buy. And then when the government stops the program we will be in a worse place than when we started—not able to afford either a new or used car. I’m not sure if they don’t think when they institute these programs. Or if they know exactly what they’re doing and don’t give a shit. I think perhaps the government made a deal with the company that manufactures sodium silicate. Just like the government made a deal with China for these energy efficient light bulbs that contain MERCURY.
The government will own us all through our enormous debt. We’ll be dependent on them for everything. Everyone will have to move in with everyone else. Bunk beds in every room and beans & rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
These are just steps in creating a larger gap between the elite rich and the rest of us.
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