Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Faggot Season

I’m starting to wonder if Michigan is a safe place for the GLBTQ community. They’re going to ship us all to Ex-Gay concentration camps. And if we refuse, they’ll line us up in front of a firing squad. Or maybe they’ll make a new sport out of it. Help supplement Michigan’s faltering economy. Deer Season will be replaced by Faggot Season. Hunting will be year round with semi-automatic rifles. Have to keep the population down otherwise that radical homosexual agenda and liberal thinking will spread to the rest of the God fearing population. They’ll wear rainbow camouflage and ambush us at the gay bars. Once they shoot us, they’ll cut us, gut us and jerky our meat. And they’ll wrinkle their noses a little bit as they’re chewing that lesbian tenderloin. Tastes a little gamey, they’ll say.

There was another homophobic ad in the Holland Sentinel Nov 6, 2010 Section A9. Only half a page this time. Paid for by NOW JESUS MINISTRIES. It was titled “How sad when God’s original design is twisted!” Below that title are two gay men sitting on a bench reading a newspaper. One man has his arm draped over the other man’s shoulder. Intimate, but not distasteful. Beneath the photo it goes on to tell us that we are violating His design and implies some sort of punishment for those violations. In the column next to the twisted homosexuals, there is a picture of a man and woman kissing. The words “MAN WOMAN PEOPLE MAKER” appear in the picture. It’s surround by Biblical scriptures supporting the man/woman paradigm. Then in bold they urge us to call the number for a free 26 page booklet. Interestingly, the number listed is a Saugatuck number. Saugatuck is the gayest town I know besides Boy’s Town in Chicago.

Did anyone read about the creepy Assistant Attorney General for Michigan? Apparently, Andrew Shirvell (assistant AG) was stalking the student assembly president (Chris Armstrong) at U of M because he was openly gay. Shirvell was obsessively blogging about him, showing up at student assemblies and even protesting outside Armstrong’s house. WTF? These are government officials?

I’m going to Wal-Mart to buy some hunter orange and a tree stand. Find me some bigots and hate mongers. I hear they’re overpopulated.