Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just like you--mostly

Avengetheweak, a commenter wrote that we were a bunch of social justice types itching for a fight just because we wrote a letter to the editor disagreeing with the homophobic Family Research Council & Request Foods Ad in the Holland Sentinel. This is my response:

“Those” homosexuals. “Those” gays. “Those” lesbians. We’re not some random protestors. We’ve been here all along. And mostly we’re just like you. We go to work and to school. We come home. Eat. Sleep. Shower. Shave. Do laundry. Watch a little TV. Mow the lawn. Plant a garden. Recycle. Swim at Ottawa Beach or Tunnel Park. Eat ice cream at Captain Sundae. Shop at Meijer. Donate our old junk to Goodwill. Eat pizza at Fricano’s. Take trips up north. Pay taxes. Vote. Write letters to the editor. Post comments about letters to the editor. Disagree passionately about what others may generalize about us. Because we want to defend our rights to freedom of religion, freedom of speech as well as our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We are your daughters, sons, fathers and mothers. We are your family.

We are your doctors, nurses, nurse aides. After you had a stroke, we took care of you. We are your engineers, carpenters, electricians. The house that you’re living in, we installed the plumbing. We are your retail store clerks and factory workers. We made your rear view mirror and assembled your expensive office chair. We are librarians, baristas, landscapers, waiters, and chefs. We prepared your rack of lamb medium rare with a pomegranate reduction. We are your bank tellers, managers, and professors.

I’m the construction worker that paved the roads you drive on. I’m the fast food worker that assembled your Big Mac. I’m the police woman that gave you a ticket on 16th street.. I’m the hot gay guy in my brown UPS uniform that delivered your package last Tuesday. I’m the farmer that grew your organic heirloom tomatoes from seed.

We are as diverse as the rest of the population. You don’t even know who we are, because most of the time we are invisible. I’m sitting right next to you on the MAX bus. I’m your grandfather’s roommate at Freedom Village Inn. We’re invisible until we speak. After we speak, you complain that we are too loud, too radical and you want us to move to Africa where it’s really bad and we’ve got something to cry about.

But we’re everywhere, and we’re mostly just like you.

Segregation NOW!

Dear Honest Opinion who suggested that if homos don’t like Holland than they should all leave:

Holland is my home town. No matter what, it will always be my home town. I can’t help that I was born and raised there. Did you pick your birth place? The problem is that I ENJOY working in Holland. Many of my coworkers are Christians. Most of my coworkers know that I’m gay. And you know what, it’s not a big deal.

But I think Holland is more than a religious community. It’s not some homogenous lump all subscribing to the same beliefs. It’s comprised of all sorts of different people. Isn’t that what a community is?

You’re right it was a Paid For Advertisement . Free Speech is Free Speech. But had the ad targeted another group of people whether it be ethnic or religious or whatever, I’m not so sure that it would have been allowed. But sure if everyone can pay for an ad that lists myths and facts about another group of people, go for it.

I don’t think a person or group of people should have to leave a town because they disagree with one or two things. If that were the case, we would all have leave. Isn’t that part of democracy---trying to promote positive change to help create a community that we all want to live in? Or maybe we should designate specific states or cities for differering political and religious beliefs. Let’s reinstate segregation.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Boycott Campbell's Soup

Dear Campbell’s,

Campbell’s Soup has a 10 year contract with Request Foods in Holland, Michigan. Request Foods along with Family Research Council placed a full page ad in the Holland Sentinel July 23, Is Homosexuality a Civil Rights Issue? This ad displayed alleged myths and facts about the gay community. But people with opposing beliefs can’t objectively evaluate each other on those very things on which they so strongly disagree. Basically, it was a desperate attempt to undermine any progress that the LGBTQ community had made. The ad was purposefully divisive and was intended to cause discord. That does not seem very family focused or Christian-like.

Your website talks about diversity and inclusion. “Creating and marketing products effectively to an increasingly diverse world requires a strong commitment to diversity in every aspect of our business. Our company-wide diversity efforts encourage all employees to bring their uniqueness and individuality to work every day.” I assume this does not include anyone from the LGBTQ community. Based on your partnership with Request Foods, I assume that your diversity and inclusion are selective.

I ask that you reconsider your affiliation with Request foods. The Gay dollar is the same as the Christian or Heterosexual dollar. Money is money. Until I hear otherwise, I will tell all my gay/straight friends and family to boycott Campbell’s.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Julie Ann August
Write Campbell's!

